WORKERS COMPENSATION UPDATE To recap, the O’Farrell NSW government introduced legislation in 2012 that significantly amended workers compensation law in this State. The changes included the following changes, among others: A cap on weekly workers compensation payments of up to five years for injured workers with an incapacity for work,...
Silicosis – Kitchen trend killing our tradies
THE first time 27-year-old Cameron Harper speaks to me, he stops talking several times to cough and wheeze. “Sometimes I’ll lose my breath, and I have to cough and just restart my sentence,” he explains apologetically, “I’ve lost a fair amount of my lung capacity. Just everyday breathing is a...
Goudappel update
On 16 May 2014 the High Court of Australia handed down its decision in the matter of Adco Constructions Pty Ltd v Ronald Goudappel & Anor. This matter was an appeal by the employer Adco Constructions against the decision of the NSW Court of Appeal. In 2012 the NSW government...
Workers Compensation Commission Update – Goudappel v ADCO Constructions
The NSW Court of Appeal has handed down its decision today, 29 April 2013, in the case of Goudappel v ADCO Constructions. Mr Goudappel had made a claim for compensation generally prior to 19 June 2012. Then, after 19 June 2012, he made a claim specifically for lump sum compensation...
Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation Law Intended Changes
In February 2013, the NSW government announced that it intends to make amendments to motor vehicle accident compensation law. Like the 2012 workers compensation reforms, the motor accident amendments will be significant and is reportedly intended to reduce the cost of car CTP insurance premiums. It seems that the government...
2012 NSW Changes To Workers Compensation
In 2012 the NSW government implemented changes to workers compensation. These were major changes across the entire scheme. The government completely re-wrote the statutory provisions relating to wages compensation for periods of unfitness for work. The provisions contain complex methods for calculating entitlements. Injured workers can be paid sums for...
Legal Costs Protection To Tighten?
It is well documented that in 2008 there were allegations of overcharging by some lawyers in the area of personal injury law. The standing committee of the attorneys general (scag) met on 17.4.09. Its agenda included discussion on overcharging and exploitation of users of legal services. Leading up to the...
Amendments to Civil Liability
In 2002 the Civil Liability Act (“CLA”) and the Civil Liability Amendment (Personal Responsibility) Act (“CLAPRA”) were introduced. The CLA applies retrospectively from 20 March 2002 (subject to some exceptions) and the CLAPRA was proclaimed to commence from 6 December 2002. The purpose of these Acts was to reform civil...